Friday, July 30, 2010

Oxford Comma

I like the Oxford comma. I TRULY believe it holds value. It provides clarity and distinction, as well as having soothing and comforting qualities in its familiarity. Some say it is extraneous. Some say, "Oxford commas must be destroyed. This, this, this and that. Never this, this, this, and that." Some are also from Boston, so it's difficult to know if their words hold any value. Serial comma, series comma, Oxford comma, Harvard comma, whatever suits your fancy. All I know is I will not forsake you, comma preceding the last item in a list of three or more. I will not forsake you.


  1. If you're wondering about comments from people from Boston, Charlestown, Lexington or anywhere else wicked pissah, know that they all have merit.

  2. I love the Oxford comma and in fact never knew it was optional until late in my life. Eats, Shoots & Leaves taught me much about these matters.

  3. didn't use it in your comment :-/
