I was listening to this week's
Caps Report, Stretch is so cute. He doesn't know anything about football. Crazy Canadians. My favorite part was when a listener wrote in with this question: "If the Caps were to host a Winter Classic, what venue do you think it would be at? My vote is for Camden Yards, the best ball park!" Vogs heckles the guy's opinion a little bit and Stretch says well this guy is clearly an Orioles fan and he just wants to see a game won in his ball park. He has to get another sport in there to see that happen. Hate hate hate! Then Vogs starts saying that it's more likely it will be at Fedex or whatever stadium it is that the Ravens play in. Stretch is baffled. Ravens? The Ravens. Ba...Baltimore Ravens? He just has no clue. On top of that, Vogs can't name the stadium, he says PNC at first. Stretch points out that Vogs is a season ticket holder, how is it possible that he can't name the stadium?? O man, those two, thanks for keeping my summer so full of delicious Caps hockey. Downside: Stretch is, apparently, not a Droid man. Womp.
Anyway the point of this post was that I caught wind of a Hockey Diaries documentary that was done at the start of the 2008-2009 season with Brooksy and Alzner. You can find the broadcast
here. You're welcome!