Friday, October 15, 2010


I want jujyfruits. Bad. There are no licorice ones in this picture because I've thrown them all out of Mayank's car window.

Seriously, what are these shaped after. Any ideas?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Zoo Atlanta

Bear neck tattoo. Blow up elephant (thanks Mayank!) Best zoo day!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rock the Red

My g calendar is rocking the red so hard. I wish Brooksy would return the favor...

Jane + Brooks

Another time I received this email:
From: Paul
Subject: Jane + Brooks
Body: Photo Attached

I'm the panda. Just in case. That wasn't apparent. :D

Paddington Jane

One day I got an email..
From: Paul
Subject: One day, Paddington Jane decided to visit friends in a different part of town
Body: Photo Attached


Paul: i like EVERYTHING about Paddington Bear
toggle coat, wellington boots
marmalade sandwiches and cocoa at elevensies


I found some Caps haikus this morning, I really liked this one:
Schultzie is awesome/ Greener should have won Norris/ Haters gonna hate

Another haiku by PDS:
Jane loves Capitals/ Pass, shoot, score, change flat tires/ "Stalk" is undefined

Mayank decided this ancient Japanese form of poetry was worth mocking. He established the Maiku (5/6/5). Here is his example:
Atlanta is hot/ Beaches are extreme fun/ Jane does Atlanta

Any other good ones out there?

It's Not Easy Being A Dinosaur


Courtesy of Emily Y Lin

Friday, October 1, 2010

Noah Gets a Haircut

So the set up here is that Kate's cat Noah got a haircut. And then her other cat Claiborne didn't recognize Noah anymore. And he was not happy to have this strange "new" cat around. And it is hilarious. And it's from months and months ago but every time I think of it I lol on the inside.