Thursday, February 3, 2011

You Know Why

As if I needed another reason to worship the ice this man skates on, here's a reveal from Stretch and Vogs on Stretch's last ever Caps Report (We'll miss you Stretch-o!!).
"Why we like the you know why, we sign off the show you know why. Back in the preseason" "We played Boston at home" "Campbell" "Gregory Campbell" "Gregory Campbell took a run at Ovi, all that stuff." "Last minute of the game" "Last minute of the game. Didn't play the next day in Boston. But one Matt Hendricks did" "Ovi didn't. Hendricks did" "Hendricks did. And this is a guy who doesn't know Ovi too well. He's not under contract at this point" "So did Campbell, and Campbell's in the starting line up as the starting center" "Starting center. Hendricks is on a line with Gordon, I believe?" "Yup" "And Hendricks is a left winger. And Hendricks goes to Gordon, "I'm taking the draw." And Gordon just goes, "OK." And Hendricks lines up with Campbell and he looks at him in the eye and he goes...[laughs]" "You do a good Hendricks impersonation" "He goes [in his best Hendricks sexy voice] "Campbell." He goes "We're going." And Campbell looks at him and goes "Why?" He goes "You know why.""
If you want to actually hear Brett's impression or the rest of the podcast, check out the Caps Report from 2/2/11.


  1. I like how the caption on the boards says "Intelligent Decisions".

  2. HAHA i never noticed that, good call
